
Welcome Homelabbers and Engineers!

Front End Engineer who spends too much time playing video games. I create content centered around building out technology solutions. I work as a front-end engineer building websites for small and large companies. I am extremely passionate about servers, systems administration, hardware, software, AI, and building out things that simplify life. My channel will largely feature software, networks, servers, and applications that you can build or use at home to solve some challenges. My videos are usually meant to be used as guides and tips or tricks.







Recent Videos

March 2024 - Stable Diffusion with AMD on windows -- use zluda ;)

SD is so much better now using Zluda! Here is how to run automatic1111 with zluda on windows, and get all the features you were missing before! ** Only GPU's that are fully supported or partially supported with ROCm can run this, check if yours is fully or partially supported before starting! ** check if your gpu is fully supported on windows here: https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/install-on-windows/en/develop/reference/system-requirements.html Links to files and things: Git for windows: https://gitforwindows.org/ Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/ Zluda: https://github.com/lshqqytiger/ZLUDA/releases/ AMD HIP SDK: https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/install-on-windows/en/develop/ Add PATH for HIP SDK and wherever you copies Zluda files to %HIP_PATH%bin C:\path\to\zluda\folder Start Automatic 1111 webui webui.bat copy zluda cublas and cusparse to ...\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib delete cublas64_11 and cusparse64_11 rename zluda files cublas.dll to cublas64_11.dll cusparse to cusparse64_11.dll back in terminal run webui webui.bat --use-zluda If you have issues with cudnn ...\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\modules\shared_init.py Add this after def initialize torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False If you have a GPU that is not fully supported in hip SDK follow these instructions https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/wiki/ZLUDA

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Absolute basics of setting up a website using Remix, React, and Mantine.

The video literally no one asked for. :-p *I understand this is not my channel's usual content* I am spinning up a website that will compliment the youtube channel. I am not 100% what all will be on it quite yet. But you will be able to access my youtube videos and probably even more content on the site. This video shows how I go about setting up a new website using React, Remix (react framework), and mantine (component library). *React* I use because it is awesome. *Remix* I use because it is easier and makes more sense than next if you want to run largely server side. *Mantine* I use because I find it has the best overall mix of both components, react hooks, and generally seems like a complete solution. In this video I skip over a LOT of the more mundane steps, git pull, cloning, fetching, writing code etc. I specifically did this to try and keep the video to a reasonable length but hitting the general highlights. If you would like a slower and deeper dive into the very beginning of setting up a website, let me know in the comments and I might make a video that shows more of an A to Z setup. If you would like to see where the website is currently, feel free to visit the site at https://fe-engineer.com Website github (open sourced): https://github.com/FE-Engineer-Youtube/fe-engineer-website *Install NVM* curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash *Install Node* nvm install --latest *Install pnpm* npm install -g pnpm *git clone this website* git clone https://github.com/FE-Engineer-Youtube/fe-engineer-website.git *install dependencies* pnpm install *run dev* pnpm dev

Watch this video on Youtube