Tutorials - Remix Website
Absolute basics of setting up a website using Remix, React, and Mantine.
The video literally no one asked for. :-p *I understand this is not my channel's usual content* I am spinning up a website that will compliment the youtube channel. I am not 100% what all will be on it quite yet. But you will be able to access my youtube videos and probably even more content on the site. This video shows how I go about setting up a new website using React, Remix (react framework), and mantine (component library). *React* I use because it is awesome. *Remix* I use because it is easier and makes more sense than next if you want to run largely server side. *Mantine* I use because I find it has the best overall mix of both components, react hooks, and generally seems like a complete solution. In this video I skip over a LOT of the more mundane steps, git pull, cloning, fetching, writing code etc. I specifically did this to try and keep the video to a reasonable length but hitting the general highlights. If you would like a slower and deeper dive into the very beginning of setting up a website, let me know in the comments and I might make a video that shows more of an A to Z setup. If you would like to see where the website is currently, feel free to visit the site at https://fe-engineer.com Website github (open sourced): https://github.com/FE-Engineer-Youtube/fe-engineer-website *Install NVM* curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash *Install Node* nvm install --latest *Install pnpm* npm install -g pnpm *git clone this website* git clone https://github.com/FE-Engineer-Youtube/fe-engineer-website.git *install dependencies* pnpm install *run dev* pnpm dev
Watch Video on YoutubePublished on: 12/29/2023